Package of accounting services “Individuals”
For the reporting year 2023, up to and including May 1, 2024, the following RA citizens who are tax residents of the RA (except for persons considered minors as of December 31) must submit an annual income tax report to the tax authority:
- As of December 31, 2023, state and municipal employees who are citizens of the Republic of Armenia holding public positions defined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Public Service”.
- As of December 31, 2023, citizens and residents of the Republic of Armenia who are participants (shareholders, shareholders, members) of commercial organizations resident in the Republic of Armenia, which declared gross income of 1 billion drams or more at the end of 2022.
- Citizens and residents of the Republic of Armenia who are considered the real beneficiaries according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism”.
- Citizens and residents of the Republic of Armenia who received a loan in the amount of 20 million drams or more during 2023 (a mortgage is not considered a loan).
The service package includes:
Obtaining a TIN and login to the reporting system for foreign citizens, residents of RA: 50 000 AMD
Annual calculation-submission of income tax report: 30 000-60 000 AMD depending on the type of income and the amount of work to be done.